Historic Wood Windows
Tashman's is here to help you select the correct historic wood window replacements for your home. Windows in historic homes can be a challenge. When your historic windows break or are no longer functional, it's time for a replacement. If they lack energy inefficiency, or if they are aesthetically unappealing, it's time for a change. Historic wood windows in older homes are different from standard replacement windows – naturally, there are a variety of considerations to take into account.
When updating windows on historic properties, it is important to find appropriate products to maintain the proper authentic aesthetics while also giving the homeowner the benefits of new materials. Milgard® Essence Series® windows are an excellent choice for historic properties. The wood window interiors of the Essence Series help keep the integrity and the historic aspects of the windows, while also providing energy efficiency. At the same time, the fiberglass exterior reduces the maintenance required for the windows.
HPOZ and Preservation
What is HPOZ?
An HPOZ is a Historic Preservation Overlay Zone, also known as a historic district. Per this preservation program, exterior changes to properties in these zones need to follow the rules laid out by the City.
How did HPOZ come into being?
The idea behind HPOZs arose from the need to preserve historically, culturally, and architecturally important structures. The way the HPOZ works is as follows:
- Regions are identified as containing such resources.
- Areas are adopted as an HPOZ by the City Planning Commission and the City Council through a zone change process. As a part of this procedure, all property owners are notified of this change.
- Most types of exterior changes or enhancements to properties in an HPOZ require written approval from the Planning Department.
What steps should you take if you want to make changes to your property in an HPOZ area?
- Research online about HPOZ extensively
- Contact an HPOZ Planner
- The HPOZ Planner will review the project
- The Planner will guide you through the HPOZ approval process
Please note, the HPOZ Board does not review all projects.
One of the most important things that you have to keep in mind while planning for changes and enhancements to your property in an HPOZ area, is that the change cannot alter the historic character of your property.
Historic wood windows form an integral part of the resources in an HPOZ area, and often need to be restored. Traditional and historic wood window manufacturers meet the demand for HPOZ wood windows in these districts.
Having your property in an HPOZ area does bring quite a few advantages. Although your property is subject to additional review processes, the value of your property is far greater than similar properties outside of a zone. Furthermore, per the Mills Act program, you are eligible to enter into a contract with the City that can help you enjoy substantial property tax savings.
Expert Installation
Tashman Home Center provides custom, professional window and door installation done with our own crews (Lic # 298720) – not subcontractors. When it comes to windows and doors, we are certified Installation Masters. We are known for our attention to detail, so when we do the installation, we make sure it’s done right the first time – because we guarantee it.